Blue Jean Country Queen

Beginner / Improver
Ryan King (UK) - July 2022
Blue Jean Country Queen (feat. Steve Wariner) - Kimberly Kelly

Intro: 20 count intro – Start on vocals

Right Vine Cross, Side Together Forward, Hold
1 2Step R to R side, step L behind R
3 4Step R to R side, step L over R.
5 6Step R to R side, step L next to R.
7 8Step forward R, hold.

Side Together Back, Hold, Back Touches
1 2Step L to L side, step R next to L.
3 4Step back L, hold.
Restart here on wall 5 replacing hold with a touch.
5 6Step back R diagonal, touch L next to R.
7 8Step back L diagonal, touch R next L.

Stomp R Diagonal, Swivel Heel / Toe / Heel, 1/4 Touch Side Touch
1 2Stomp R to R diagonal, swivel L heel to R heel.
3 4Swivel L toe to R Heel, swivel L heel to R heel.
5 6Step 1/4 R on L (3 o’clock), touch R next to L.
7 8Step R to R side, touch L next to R.

Stomp L Side, Swivel Heel / Toe / Heel, Rocking Chair
1 2Stomp L to L side, swivel R heel to L heel.
3 4Swivel R toe to L toe, swivel R heel to L heel.
5 6Rock forward R, recover onto L.
7 8Rock back R, recover onto L.


Wall 5 dance up to count 11, replace hold with touch and restart the dance.