EZ Pontoon

Easy Beginner
Pontoon - Little Big Town

RESTARTS: Wall 4 and Wall 8, at 16 counts – do first half of the dance and start over

Alternate Faster Song: clean version of Cake By The Ocean by the Jonas Brothers, which has two 8-ct
Tags after Wall 4 (x1) and Wall 9 (x2): R side together side clap (1-4) L side together side clap (5-8)

Heel/Toe Taps and Walk Forward with Kick
1-2Tap Right Heel Forward, Tap Right Toe Back
3-4Tap Right Heel Forward, Tap Right Toe Back
5-8Walk Forward Right, Left, Right, Kick Left Foot Forward

Walk Back and Pigeon Toes
1-4Walk Backward Left, Right, Left, Step Right Foot Together
5-6Heels fan out and together
7-8Heels fan out and together

Grapevine Stomp
1-4Vine Right (right foot side, left behind, right foot side), Stomp Left together
5-8Vine Left 1/4 Turn (left foot side, right foot behind, 1/4 turn left and step left foot forward), Stomp right together

Reverse K Step
1-2Step Right Foot Diagonally forward and touch Left together
3-4Step Left Foot Diagonally forward and touch Right together
5-6Step Right Foot Diagonally backward and touch Left together
7-8Step Left Foot Diagonally backward and touch right foot together

Choreographed by Unknown in Crystal Lake, IL. Email askrachelle@gmail.com to claim it.