Hanukkah's Little Dreidel Spin Spin Spin (S'Vivon Sov Sov Sov - Jewish Holiday Dance)

High Beginner
Kari McHugh Kyriakos (USA) - December 2022
S'Vivon Sov, Sov, Sov - Julie Silver

#16-Count Intro - No Tags, No Restarts

Ending: See bottom of page
Dedication: For all our wonderful Jewish dance friends!

Sec. 1: Walk, Walk, Rocking Chair, Shuffle
1 2Step Right Forward, Step Left Forward,
3 4 5 6Step Right Forward, Step Left In Place, Step Right Back, Step Left In Place
7 & 8Step Right Forward, Step Left Beside Right, Step Right Forward

Sec. 2: Side Rock, Cross (L&R), Side Step, Drag
1 2 3Step Left to Left, Step Right in Place, Step Left Across Right
4 5 6Step Right to Right, Step Left in Place, Step Right Across Left
7 8Step Left to Far Left, Drag Right Beside Left (keeping weight on Left)

Sec. 3: 2 Half-Right Montereys (signifying little spinning Dreidel)
1 2Point Right to Right Side, Making Half-Right Turn (to 6:00) Step Right Beside Left
3 4Point Left to Left Side, Step Left Beside Right
5 6 7 8Repeat 1-4 directly above to end up facing back again to starting wall

Sec. 4: Side, Together, Quarter Shuffle Right; Modified Rocking Chair w Drag
1 2 3 4 5 6Step Right to Right, Step Left Together,
3 & 4Turn Quarter Right to Step Right Forward (3:00), Step Left Together, Step Right Forward
5 6 7Step Left Forward, Step Right in Place, Step Left Back
8Drag Right Beside Left (keeping weight on Left) while Raising Up Hands and Holding 9 fingers Upright (to signify Menorah candles)

Ending: Music will on the last 8 counts of Wall 7. Wall 7 starts facing the back of the room. To end facing the front of the room: Start the pattern as usual on Wall 7 by doing Walk, Walk, Rocking Chair, then instead of Shuffling Forward, Shuffle Half Left to face the front of the room (leaving your weight on your right foot). Simultaneously, on Count 8, put both hands up with 9 fingers pointing upward to signify the 9 candles of a Menorah.

ENDING On Wall 7, Facing Rear of Room: Walk, Walk, Rocking Chair, Shuffle Half Left with Hands Up
1 2Step Right Forward, Step Left Forward
3 4 5 6Step Right Forward, Step Left In Place, Step Right Back, Step Left In Place
7Step Right Forward while starting to turn body left to front of room.
&Facing front of room Step Left Beside and Slightly Behind Right,
8Step Right Back (toward back wall) while raising both hands up parallel to ears and extending all fingers upward except for right thumb which should be tucked inward.