Keep This Fire Burning

Raymond Sarlemijn (NL) - December 2022
Keep This Fire Burning - HOLA!

Thanks to my wife for finding the music

Step forward, hitch knee up, step back, look back, step forward, ¼ turn left, step right, behind side forward.
1LF step forward.
2Hitch up right Knee.
3RF step backwards.
4Lock backwards over right shoulder
5LF step forward.
6¼ turn left, RF step right.
7LF cross behind RF.
&RF step Right.
8LF cross forward RF.

Point and out, hold, (snake roll) and out, pressure step right, ¼ turn right, touch together, kick ball step forward.
1Point RF right.
&RF close LF.
2LF step out to left.
3Start snake roll to the left or hold.
&RF closes LF.
4LF step left.
5RF Pressure step right
6¼ turn right, RF closes next to LF.
7Kick RF forward.
&RF closes next to LF
8LF step forward.

Lock behind, ½ turn right, step forward, ¼ turn left, ¼ turn right, ¼ turn left, sailor step left.
1RF lock behind LF
2½ turn right.
3RF step forward.
4¼ turn left.
5¼ turn right.
6¼ turn left.
7LF backwards.
&RF closes next to LF.
8LF step left.

Rocking chair, rocking chair, ball change, ½ turn left, shuffle forward.
1RF cross in front of LF.
2Recover weight on LF
&RF closes next to LF.
3LF crosses in front of RF
4Recover weight on RF.
&LF closes next to RF.
5RF step forward.
6½ turn left, weight on LF.
7RF forward.
&LF closes next to RF.
8RF step forward.