A Whole New World Bachata

Miske Findriani Paduli (INA) - January 2023
A Whole New World (feat. Lubae) - Andres Reinell La Verdad

** No Tag, 1 Restart after 8C on Wall 5 **

Section 1: Side Basic Bachata - Side Rock - Toe Strut
1-4Step R to R, close L together, step R to R, touch L beside R
5-6Step L to side, recover on R
7-8Touch L toe, drop L in place
== Restart here on Wall 5 ==

Section 2: Side Rock - Toe Strut - Forward Rock - Turn 1/4L Side, Touch
1-2Step R to side, recover on L
3-4Touch R toe, drop R in place
5-6Step L forward, recover on R
7-8Turn 1/4L Step L to side, touch R beside L (09:00)

Section 3: Diagonal Forward - Chasse (RL)
1-2Step R diagonal forward, step L together (07:30)
3&4Step R to side, step L together, step R to side
5-6Step L diagonal forward, step R together (10:30)
7&8Step L to side, step R together, step L to side (facing 09:00 on 8)

Section 4: Forward Rock - Triple Step -
Back Rock - Triple Step
1-2Step R forward, recover on L
3&4Step R to center, step L in place, step R in place
5-6Step L back, recover on R
7&8Step L to center, step R in place, step L in place

Thank You