Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Darren Tubridy (UK) & David Sinfield (UK) - February 2023
Pretty Liar - Shania Twain : (iTunes)

**CHOREOGRAPHER’S NOTE: please make sure the clean version of the song is used**

S1 [1-8] Side R, Behind L, Ball Cross, Side R, Rock Back L, Recover R, Chasse L Clock
1,2&3,4Step R to R side, step L behind R, step ball of R to R side (&), cross step L over R, step R to R side
5,6Rock back on L, recover on R
7&8Step L to L side, step R next to L (&), step L to L side 12:00

S2 [9-16] Weave ¼ L, Step R, Pivot ½ L, R Shuffle Fwd
1,2Cross step R over L, step L to L side
3,4Step R behind L, make ¼ turn L stepping forward on L 9:00
5,6Step forward on R, make ½ turn L (weight forward on L)
7&8Step forward on R, step L next to R (&), step forward on R 3:00

S3 [17-24] Cross L, Point R, R Kick Ball Point, Cross L, Side R, ¼ L Coaster
1,2Cross step L over R, point R to R side
3&4Kick R forward, step ball of R next to L (&), point L to L side
5,6Cross step L over R, step R to R side
7&8Make ¼ turn L stepping back on L, step R next to L (&), step forward on L 12:00
RESTART: During Wall 4 restart here facing 6 o’clock

S4 [25-32] Forward Rock Steps, ½ Turn L, Walk R, Walk L, Clap Twice
1,2&Rock forward on R, recover on L, step R next to L (&)
3,4,5Rock forward on L, recover on R, make ½ turn L stepping forward on L 6:00
6,7Walk forward on R, walk forward on L,
&8Clap twice

Start Over