Shining Like a Candle in the Dark

Gati Tjipto R (INA) - February 2023
When You Tell Me That You Love Me (Single Mix) - Westlife & Diana Ross

**2 restarts: on walls 4 and 8.

Part 1 : Night club R and L, sway.
1,2&3Step RF widely to R, step LF behind R, recover RF, step LF to side.
4 & 5Step RF behind L, Recover LF step RF to side.
6,7Sway L, R,
8 &recover LF, step RF close to L.

Part 2 : Rhumba box, sweep, coaster step, turn 1/4 L, Rock n recover
1,2& 3Step LF Fwrd, step RF Fwrd, close LF to R, step RF back,
4,5,6sweep from front to back, LF, RF, LF
&7, 8&step RF close to L, step LF Fwrd, step RF Fwrd, turn 1/4 L, step LF in place.

Part 3 : cross rock, R, L, step Fwrd, pivot 1/2 L, full turn L, shuffle Fwrd.
1,2 &Step RF cross over L( 07.30), recover LF, step RF to side. (09.00)
3, 4 & 5step LG cross over R ( 10.30) recover R, step LF to side, (09.00) , step RF fwrd
6, 7, 8&1pivot 1/2 L, step LF in place , turn 1/2 L step RF back, turn1/2 L, triple step fwrd L, R, L (03.00)

Part 4 : lock shuffle back, kick, coaster step, step close.
2 & 3 &step RF back, step LF cross over L, step RF back, kick LF ( not to high)
4 & 5 &step LF back, step RF cross over L, step LF back, kick RF ( not to high)
6 & 7, 8step RF down back, step LF close to R, step. RF Fwrd, step LF close to R.

* ready for 2nd wall, facing to 03.00.

*1st restart on wall 4 :dance till part 2 count 2& counts -restart
**2nd restart on wall 8 : dance part 1 - 4 & counts - restart.

Happy Valentine Day to all……