Take Me To Your Heaven

Torill Rognlien (NOR) - November 2022
Take Me to Your Heaven - Charlotte Nilsson

Weave R, step touch ¼ turn R
1,2Step RF to R (1), step LF behind RF (2)
3,4Step RF to R (3), cross LF over RF (4)
5,6Step RF to R (5), touch LF next RF (6)
7,8Turn ¼ R stepping LF to L (7), touch RF next to LF (8) - 3:00
(Restart here in wall 12)

Monterey ¼ ,scissor step
1,2Point RF to R (1), turn ¼ R stepping RF next to LF (2) - 6:00
3,4Point LF to L (3), step LF next to RF (4)
5,6Step RF to R (5), step LF next to RF (6)
7,8Cross RF over LF (7), hold (8)

Scissor step, step touch, back touch
1,2Step LF to L (1), step RF next to LF (2)
3,4Cross LF over RF (3), hold (4) (restart here, wall 3 and 8)
5,6Step diagonaly fw on RF (5), touch LF next to RF (6)
7,8Step back on LF (7), touch RF next to LF (8)

Slow jazz box
1,2Cross R toe in front of LF (1), slapp heal (2)
3,4Step L toe bak (3), slapp heal (4)
5,6Step R toe to R (5), slapp heal (6)
7,8Step L toe forward (7), slapp heal (8)

Restart in wall 3 and 8 after count 20
Restart in wall 12 after count 8

Last Update: 24 Feb 2023