New Shoes (and Suddenly Everything is Right)

Dag Alexander Wien (NOR) - May 2023
New Shoes - Paolo Nutini : (CD: These Streets)

#1 Tag done twice & 1 Restart

Intro: 16 counts (start on vocals)

S1 - Step-Touch R fwd diag, Step-Touch L back diag, Slow Mambo step back, Hold
1-4Step RF fwd to R diag, touch LF beside RF, step LF back L diag, touch RF beside LF
5-8Step RF back, recover weight back on LF, step RF beside LF, hold

S2 - Step-Touch L fwd diag, Step-Touch R back diag, Slow Mambo step back, Hold
1-4Step LF fwd to L diag, touch RF beside LF, step RF back R diag, touch LF beside RF
5-8Step LF back, recover weight back on RF, step LF beside RF, hold *RESTART Wall 11

S3 - Half Rumba Box Right & Back, Step-Touch L, Step-Touch R
1-4Step RF to R, step LF beside RF, step RF back, touch LF beside RF
5-8Step-LF to L, touch RF beside LF, step RF to R, touch LF beside RF

S4 - Half Rumba Box Left & Forward, Step-Brush fwd, Slow Mambo Step Forward, 1/4L Step
1-4Step LF to L step RF beside LF, step LF fwd, brush RF fwd
5-8Step RF fwd, recover weight back on LF, step RF beside LF, turn 1/4L & step LF to L 9:00

TAG - after wall 2 and wall 6 (both times tag is done towards 6:00 o’clock wall)
1-4Step RF fwd to R diag, touch LF beside RF, step LF back L diag, touch RF beside LF
5-8Step RF back R diag, touch LF beside RF, step LF fwd L diag, touch RF beside LF

*RESTART: Wall 11 - after 16 counts

At the end of Wall 15 (Wall 15 starts towards 9:00 o’clock wall)
Change counts 5-8 in S4 to:
Slow Mambo fwd with 1/4R turn
5-8Step RF fwd, recover weight back on LF, turn 1/4R & step RF to right. Ta-daaa 12.00

RF = Right Foot
R = Right

Have fun & Enjoy :-)

If any questions; please contact me at: