LG Dance Country

Laurent Chalon (BEL) & Gwendoline HOPIN (FR) - May 2023
Must Be the Country (feat. Dillon Carmichael) - Colt Ford

No tags - No restarts
Intro : 32 Counts

Section 1: Step Fwd, Touch Fwd, Step Back, Touch Back, Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, Cross
1-2Step R forward, Touch L forward 12:00
3-4Step L back, Touch R back
5-6Step R diagonally forward right, Step L diagonally forward left
7-8Make ¼ turn right and step R next to L, Cross L over R 03:00

Section 2: Side, Touch Cross, Side, Touch Cross, Vine R, Touch
1-2Step R to the right, Point L in front of R
3-4Step L to the left, Point R in front of L
5-6-7-8Step R to the right, Cross L behind R, Step R to the right, Touch L next to R

Section 3: Vine L, Hitch+Snap, Walk Back x3, Hitch+Snap
1-2-3Step L to the left, Cross R behind L, Step L to the left
4Hitch R with snap at shoulder level
5-6-7Step R back, Step L back, Step R back
8Hitch L with snap at shoulder level

Section 4: Walk Fwd x3, Scuff, Jazzbox
1-2-3-4Step L forward, Step R forward, Step L forward, Scuff R
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to the right, Step L forward

The dance can also be performed to the song 'Dance Dance' by Gabry Ponte (Feat. Alessandra).
The dance is listed under the name 'LG Dance'. There is an intro of 16 counts and there are also no tags and restarts!
Dance created for the Country Ranch Festival in Hotton (Belgium) on May 26, 27, and 28, 2023.
Bonne danse…
laurent_chalon@outlook.com - http://www.webchalon.be

Last Update: 7 Jun 2023