Pretty in Blue

Christina Walker (UK) - July 2023
Pretty in Blue - Gordon Hendricks : (from the Nashville Calls Album)

**2 Restarts: Walls 4 & 7 – Miss out the Jazz box at the end of the last section

[1 – 8] Right cross rock, right side shuffle, Left cross rock, left side shuffle
1 – 2Cross rock right over left, recover on left,
3 & 4Step right to right side, close left to right, step right to right side
5 – 6Cross rock left over right, recover on right
7 & 8Step left to left side, close right to left, step left to left side

[9 – 16] Step forward ½ turn, triple step ½, walk back, coaster step
9–10Step forward on right, ½ turn over left shoulder (6 o’clock)
11&12Step right, left, right turning ½ turn over left shoulder (12 o’clock)
13-14Walk back left and right
15&16Step back left, bring right next to left, step forward left

[17 – 24] Side rock, cross shuffle, side rock ¼ turn, left shuffle forward
17-18Rock right to right side, recover on left
19&20Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left
21-22Rock left to left side, recover on right turning a ¼ turn right
23&24Step forward on left, bring right behind left, step forward on left

[25 – 32] Rocking chair, Jazz box
25-26Rock forward on right recover on left,
27-28Rock back on right, recover on left **
28-32Cross right over left, step back on left, step right to right side, step left beside right

** Both restarts miss out the last 4 counts of this section **

Start again!