Don't Stop

High Beginner
Donna Eliassen (AUS) & Trish Foster (AUS) - August 2023
Don't Stop - Fleetwood Mac

Intro: 16 Counts from heavy beat (Dance starts just before vocals)

SECTION 1 Right side tap, ¼ turn & Hitch, Right side tap & Hitch, Vine R with a heel touch
1,2,3,4Point R toe to R side, ¼ turn on L to L & Hitch, Point R toe to R side & Hitch
5,6,7,8Step R to R Side, Step L Behind R, Step R to R Side, Touch L Heel next to R

SECTION 2 Left back touch, Right back touch, Left back touch, hold & Clap Clap, 2 Hip Bumps R, 2 Hip Bumps L
&1 &2 &3 &4Step back on L, touch R next to L, Step back on R, touch L next to R, Step back on L, touch R next to L, Hold, Clap Clap
5&6,7&8 22 Hip Bumps R, 2 Hip Bumps L

SECTION 3 Right Rock back recover fwd Shuffle, L Heel ball change, Point L to side, Toe ball change
1,2,3&4Step R back, Recover on L, Step R Forward, Step L Together, Step R Forward,
5&6,7&8Touch L Heel Forward, Step on ball of L next to R raising R, step on R, Point L to L Side, Step on Toe of L next to R raising R, Step on R

SECTION 4 Left Shuffle back, Rock back recover, R Heel Ball Change, Point R to side, Toe Ball change
1&2,3,4Step L Back, Step R Together, Step L Back, Sep R Back, Recover on L
5&6,7&8Touch R Heel Forward, Step on ball of R next to L raising L, step on L, Point R to R Side, Step on Toe of R next to L raising L, Step on L

Contact: Trish Foster – or Donna Eliassen –

Last Update: 3 Sep 2023