Watermelon Moonshine Rhumba

Don Chmielewski (USA) - September 2023
Watermelon Moonshine - Lainey Wilson
Can't Break Up Now - Old Dominion & Megan Moroney

(2 restarts, walls 5, 9)
INTRO: 32 counts from the start of the music (70 bpm) (3:28 min)

Section 1: Rhumba Box
1-2Step side right, step left next to right
3-4Step right forward, hold
5-6Step side left, step right next to left
7-8Step left back, hold
(Restart here on walls 5 (facing 12:00) and 9 (facing 12:00)

Section 2: Shuffle Back, Hold, Left Coaster Step, Hold
1-4Step back on R, slide left back in front of R, Step back on R, hold
5-8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward, hold

Section 3: Rock and Cross, Hold, Modified Turning Jazz Box, Hold
1-4Rock R to right side, recover to left, cross right over left, hold
5-8Step back on left, turn ¼ right stepping right forward, cross left over right, hold

Section 4: Extended Weave, Side Rock Cross, Recover
1-2Step R to right, Step L behind right
3-4Step R to right, Cross L in front of right
5-6Side rock R to right, Recover weight on left
7-8Cross R in front of left, Step L to side left recover weight on left

Contact: donchm100@gmail.com