Out Cruisin'

Robyn Anderson (AUS) - August 2023
Oh Carol - Smokie

It can be challenging to start music and return to dance floor.

Start after 36 count intro, with tag end of wall 1 & 3, with lots of time to dance.

Tag: 4 count: End of wall 2 & 4
1-4Step forward on right, recover left, step back on right, recover left

Touch, Front, Back, Side, Hitch, Shuffle, Hold
I-4 Toe touch front, toe touch side, toe touch back, hitch on right, hold
5-8Step forward on right, left behind right, forward on right

Touch, Front, Back, Side, Hitch, Shuffle, Hold
1-4Toe touch front, toe touch side, toe touch, back, hitch, on left
5-8Forward on left, right behind left, forward on left

Vaudevilles x2
1-4Cross right over left, left to left side, touch right heel forward to right diagonal, step right to right side
5-8Cross left over right, right to right side, touch left heel forward to left diagonal, step left together with right.

Back Lock Step, Left Turn, Side Together, Together.
1-4Step back on right, lock left in front of right, back on right, hold
5-8Step ¼ left turn on left, step right beside left, step left together, hold
