Long Live Country Music

Beginner +
Roger (leftfoot) Hunter (USA) - December 2023
Long Live Country Music (feat. Brooks & Dunn) - Cody Johnson

Intro:16 cts in No tags, 3 Easy restarts

S-1) Rock Recover, Walk Back R,L Touch1/4R,Up Touch1/4L.
1-4Rock R forward(1)recover on L(2),step R back(3),step L back(4)
5-8step R back ¼ R(5),touch L next to R(6),step L ¼ L(7),touch R next to L(8).(12:00)

S-2) Forward Rock, Side Rock, Behind, Side 1/4L, Walk, Walk**.
1-4step(rock)R forward(1),recover on L(2),step(rock)R to R(3) recover on L(4)
5-8step R behind L(5),step L to L1/4 L(6)step R forward(7) step L forward(8)(3:00)

S-3) Rumba Box Back(*)(***).
1-4step R to R(1),step L next to R(2),step R back(3),touch L next to R(4)
5-8step L to L(5,step R next to L(6),step L forward(7)brush R next to L(8)

S-4) Rocking Chair 1/4L,Rocking Chair.
1-4rock forward on R(1)recover on L(2)rock back on R(3) step L back making ¼ turn L(4)
5-8rock forward on R(5)recover on L(6)rock back on R(7) recover on L(8)(6:00)

(*) During wall 2 after 24 counts facing 3:00
(**) During wall 5 after 16 counts facing 12:00
(***) During wall 7 after 24 counts facing 3:00

I added a + to the level because of the restarts.
I still believe it's a beginner's dance.