Raise The Bar

High Improver
Calum McLean (SCO) - February 2024
Raise The Bar - Craig Morgan & Luke Combs

#8 count intro

****4 tags, 2 with a restart
Tag 1 – Wall 1, Count 32; Touch R to right, Close R to L
Tag 2 – Wall 2, Count 32; Right K-Step (Step R forward, Close L to R, Step L backward, Close R to L, Step R backward, Close L to R, Step L forward, Close R to L)
Tag 3 – Wall 3, Count 16: Jazz Box (Cross R over L, Step L backwards, Step R foot right, Close L to R), then Restart
Tag 4 – Wall 5, Count 16: Touch R to right, Close R to L, then Restart

Finish on Wall 7, Count 25 with a ¼ turn over left shoulder and Stomp R foot to right

Section 1 - Shuffle forward R, Shuffle forward L, Step R ½ turn, Shuffle forward R
1Step R forward
&Close L to R
2Step R forward
3Step L forward
&Close R to L
4Step L forward
5Step R forward, ½ turn over left shoulder
6Step L forward
7Step R forward
&Close L to R
8Step R forward

Section 2 - Syncopated grapevine L, Knee pops, Syncopated Grapevine R, Coaster step,
1Step L to left
&Cross R behind L
2Step L to left and bump R knee forward
3Bump L knee forward
4Bump R knee forward
5Step R to right
&Cross L behind R
6Step R to right
7Step L backwards
&Close L to R
8Step forward onto L

Section 3 - Shuffle forward R, Shuffle backward L, Rock back recover, Rock forward ¼ turn recover
1Step R forward
&Close L to R
2Step R forward
3Step L backward
&Close R to L
4Step L backward
5Step R backward and rock weight onto R
6Recover weight onto L
7Step R forward and rock weight onto R, with a ¼ turn over left shoulder
8Recover weight on L

Section 4 - Chasse right, Chasse left, ½ turn left, ½ turn left
1Step R to right
&Close L to R
2Step R to right
3Step L to left
&Close R to L
4Step L to Left
5Step R forward, with ¼ turn over left shoulder
6Step L backward, with ¼ turn over left shoulder
7Step R forward, with ¼ turn over left shoulder
8Step L backward, with ¼ turn over left shoulder