Everything Old Is New Again

Ella Trumpfeller (USA) - March 2024
Everything Old Is New Again - Anne Murray

Hold 16 ct intro (or step R cross L ½ turn to 6:00 repeat ending at 12:00)
*There are two 8 count tags in the first 40 counts and again at the Ending

Part A is 40 counts twice – 2 Walls (12:00 & 6:00)
[1-8] 4 Step Cross Kicks (St R kick L, LR, RL, LR
1-8step R cross kick L (12) step L cross kick R (34) step R cross kick L (56) step L cross kick R (78)

[9-16] 2 jumps back feet apart, V Step
9-16Jump back RL (&1 hold 2) jump back RL (&3 hold 4) V Step RL forward RL back together (5-8)

[17-24]Vine R & L
17-24Vine RLR touch L, Vine LRL touch R

[25-32] 2 R Kick ball changes, ¼ R Turn Jazz Box (ending at 3:00)
25-32Kick Right Ball change (1&2), Kick R ball change (3&4) ¼ turn R Jazz Box RLRL

[33-40] 8 count Tag: (Repeat 24-32 ending at 6:00)
33-40Kick Right Ball change (1&2), Kick R ball change (3&4) ¼ turn R Jazz Box RLRL
Repeat 1-40 Beginning at 6:00 ending at 12:00

Part B is 4 Walls:
1-32Begins 12:00 ends at 3:00
1-32Begins 3:00 ends at 6:00
1-32Begins 6:00 ends at 9:00
1-32Begins 9:00 ends at 12:00

16 count tag Ending:
¼ turn R 2 R Kick ball changes to 3:00, ¼ R Turn Jazz Box RLRL to 6:00
¼ turn R 2 R Kick ball changes to 9:00, ¼ R Turn Jazz Box RLR to 12:00 cross L over R pose at 12:00
*Option to use hat props!

Contact Ella Trumpfeller ellatrump@gmail.com