
Laura Simpson (AUS) - April 2024
Mayday - Casey Barnes

Vine R, Vine L
1-4Step R to side, step L behind R, step R to side touch L beside R
5-8Step L to side, step R behind L, step L to side touch R beside L

R Heel x2, &, L Heel x2, &, Dorothy R, Dorothy L
1,2&,3,4&R heel fwd, R heel fwd & step R beside L, L heel fwd, L heel fwd & step L beside R
5,6&,7,8&step R fwd, step L behind R & step R beside L, step L fwd, step R behind L, & step L beside R

R Rocking Chair, Step R ½ Pivot, Stomp R, L
1-4Rock fwd R, recover weight back onto L, Rock back R, recover weight onto L
5-8Step fwd R, pivot ½ L transferring weight to L foot, Stomp R, Stomp L

Side Shuffle Rock Recover, Side Shuffle, Rock Recover
1&2,3,4Step R to side, step L beside R, step R to side, rock back L recover R
5&6,7,8Step L to side, step R beside L, step L to side rock back L recover R

Stomp, Swivels, Stomp, Swivels,
1-4Stomp R diagonally fwd, Swivel L – heel, toe, heel towards R
5-8Stomp L diagonally fwd, swivel R – heel, toe, heel towards L

Back Touch, Back Touch, Hips R,L,R,L
1-4Step back R, touch L beside R, step back L touch R beside L
5-8Hips R,L,R,L