Hassani Cha

Easy Intermediate
Suzi Beau (ENG) - April 2024
Love Again - Ric Hassani

Intro: 32

Section 1 Forward L, Pivot ½ L, Right Lock Step, Press Sweep Sailor Step
1 2 3Step forward on L, Step forward on R pivot ½ L
4&5Step forward on R, Lock L behind, Step forward on R
6,7Press L forward , Recover R sweeping L from front to back
8&1Step L behind R, Step r to R side, Step L to L side

Section 2 Hold, together Side Hold, together Side Rock Cross Unwind Full turn Chasse R
(none turning option for count 7 Cross L over R but don’t unwind)
2&3Hold, bring R to L, Step L to L side,
&5,6,Close R to L, Rock L to L side, Recover R,
7Cross L over R unwind Full turn R
8&1Step R to R side, Close L to R, Step R to R side
Wall 5 Restart here after count 8 (Step change)

Section 3 Cross Rock (7:30) Back lock step, Turn, Side R, behind side
2,3Cross rock L over R, face 7:30 Recover R
4&5Step back on L, Lock R over L, Step back L
6,7Turn 3/8 R Stepping forward R, Turn ¼ R stepping L to L side (3:00)
8&Step R behind L, Step L to L Side

Section 4 Samba, Samba forward rock back coaster step
1&2Cross R over L, Rock L to L side, Replace weight R
3 &4Cross L over R, Rock R to R side , Replace weight L
5 6Rock forward on R, Recover L
7 8 & 1Step back on R, Step back on L, Close R to L, Step L forward
(last step of the coaster is first step of the dance)

Restart is on wall 5.
Section 2 Hold, together side, hold, together, side rock cross, side
2&3Hold, bring R to L, Step L to L side,
&5,6,Close R to L, Rock L to L side, Recover R,
7Cross L over R
8Step R to R side,