All of My Attention

Darran Casey (USA) - April 2024
Forget My Phone - Vinny Marchi

Notes: Start after 1 count, about half a second in (good luck!) 1 Tag after wall 2

[1-8] 2x Glide Steps, Ball-Step fwd, ¼ Turn L, Sailor Step, Lock
1-2&Push ball of RF into floor sliding LF back (1), Step on LF (2), Step RF next to LF (&) 12:00
3-4&Push ball of LF into floor sliding RF back (1), Step on RF (2), Step LF next to RF (&) 12:00
5-6Step RF fwd (5), ¼ Turn L keeping weight on RF (6) 9:00
7&8&Step LF behind RF (7), Step RF right (&), Step LF left (8), Lock RF behind LF (&) 9:00

[9-16] ¼ L Press, Step back w/Sweep, Back-Lock-Back w/Sweep, Back, Hold, Press-Recover-Cross
1-2¼ Turn L Pressing LF fwd (1), Step RF back Sweeping LF front to back (2) 6:00
3&4Step LF back (3), Cross RF over LF (&), Step LF back sweeping RF front to back (4) 6:00
5-6¼ Turn R Stepping right on ball of RF (5), Hold with optional ¼ head turn R (6) 9:00
7&8&Drop Right heel Pressing on RF (7), Recover onto LF (&), Cross RF over LF (8), Hitch L knee (&) 9:00

[17-24] Sidestep with 2x swivels, Hitch, Step, Back, Back w/Drag, Coaster, ½ Pivot L
1&2Step LF while Swivelling R heel left (1), Swivel R toe left (&), Hitch R knee (2) 9:00
3&4Step RF next to LF (3), Step LF back (&), Big step back on RF dragging L heel (4) 9:00
5&6Sep LF back (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF fwd (6) 9:00
7-8Step RF fwd (7), ½ Turn L keeping weight on RF 3:00

[25-32] ¼ Turn Toe Strut, Syncopated Jazz Box, Slide, Touch, ¼ Turn L
1-2¼ Turn L Stepping left on ball of LF (1), Step down on LF (2) 6:00
3-4&Step RF across LF (3), Step LF back (4), Step right on RF (&) 6:00
5-6Step LF across RF (5), Big step right on RF (6) 6:00
7-8Touch LF next to RF (7), ¼ Turn L Shifting weight onto LF (8) 3:00

[1-4] Modified Jazz Box
1-3Step RF across LF (1), Step LF back (2), Step RF right (3)
NOTE: During counts 1-3, slightly bend knees to descend to comfort level by count 3 6:00
4Step LF next to RF while straightening knees (4) 6:00