I'm Beggin' Madly

Improver / Intermediate
Daniel Exton (UK) - May 2024
Beggin' - Madcon

S1: Forward, Touch, Shuffle Back, Rock Back, Recover, ½ Turn, Sweep
1, 2Right foot forward, Touch Left behind Right
3&4Shuffle back Left-Right-Left
5, 6Rock back on Right foot, Recover onto Left
7&8½ turn stepping Right foot forward, Sweep Left from front to back

S2: Sailor, Cross and Turn, Heel and Heel and Run x3
1&2Left behind Right, Right to Right side, Left to Left side
3&4Cross Right over Left, Left foot back with ¼ turn Right, Right to Right side
5&6&Left heel forward, Return Left, Right heel forward, Return Right
7&8Run forward Left-Right-Left

S3: Rock and Back, Touch 1/8 x2, Chasse, Touch 1/8 x2
1&2Rock Right to Right side, Recover onto Left, Step Right back
3, 4Touch Left to Left side with 1/8 turn Left twice (Weight On R)
5&6Left to Left side, Right next to Left, Left to Left side
7, 8Touch Right to Right side with 1/8 turn Right twice (Weight on R)

S4: Cross Rock and Side, Syncopated Weave, Cross Rock and Side, Kick Ball Change
1&2Cross Rock Left over Right, Recover onto Right, Left to Left side
3&4&Right over Left, Left to Left side, Right behind Left, Left to Left side
5&6Cross Rock Right over Left, Recover onto Right, Right to Right side
7&8Left toe next to Right, Left heel next to Right, Stomp Left foot, Weight on L

*16 into w8
*24 into w11 (Change of weight)