Last Night

Tom Glover (AUS)
Who Were You Thinkin' Of - Texas Tornados

1-2Touch right heel forward, clap (leaving heel forward)
3&4Triple step right-left-right on the spot
5-6Touch left heel forward, clap (leaving heel forward)
8&7Triple step left-right-left on the spot
9-12Step right across in front of left, clap, step left to left side, clap
13-14Step right across in front of left, step left to left side
15-16Step right across in front of left, point left toe to left side
17-18Touch left heel forward, clap (leaving heel forward)
19&20Triple step left-right-left in place
21-22Touch right heel forward, clap (leaving heel forward)
23&24Triple step right-left-right in place
25-28Step left across in front of right, clap, step right to right side, clap
29-30Step left across in front of right, step right to right side
31-32Step left across in front of right, point right toe to right side
33-34Touch ball of right foot across in front of left, pivot ¼ turn left
35&36Shuffle forward right-left-right
37-40Kick left forward, bring left under right knee, kick left forward, touch left toe back
41-42Shuffle forward left-right-left
43-46Kick right forward, bring right under left knee, kick right forward, touch right toe back
47-48Shuffle forward right-left-right
49-54Step left to left side and bump hips-left twice, right twice, left once, right once
55-56Pivot ¼ turn left (transferring weight onto left), scuff right forward
57-8Tap right heel forward twice
&59-60Bring right to center as you tap left toe back twice
&Bring left to center