Moonlight Waltz (P)

Vera Brown (USA)
You Make The Moonlight - 4 Runner

Position: Promenade position
1-3Step forward-left, right, left
4-6Step forward-right, left, right
7-9Step back-left, right, left
10Step back on right and turn ½ right
11-12Step forward-left, right (facing RLOD)
13-15Step forward-left, right, left
16-18LADY: Drop left hand as you step back on right foot turning 1 ½ left to face LOD -right, left, right
 MAN: Drop left hand as you step back on right foot turning ½ left, then forward left, right pick up left hands in front
If the 1 ½ turn is difficult for lady, she may do the same steps as man.
19-21Step forward-left, right, left
22-24Step forward-right, left, right
25-27LADY: Rolling left vine-left, right, left, left into wrap position
 MAN: Waltz steps in place-left, right, left, hands switch over lady's head on 26 and to lady's waist on 27 for wrap position
28-30Sway hips in place-right, left, right
31Step left foot forward
32-33LADY: Sweep right foot to the right in a circular motion
 MAN: Step right foot forward, step left foot in place
34-36LADY: Rolling right vine-right, left, right back to promenade position
 MAN: Waltz steps slightly forward-right, left, right hand switch over lady's head back to promenade position

37-39Cross left foot diagonally in front of right foot slightly turning your body, step right foot to right side and turning your body slightly to the left, step left foot to left side
40-42Cross right foot diagonally in front of left foot slightly turning your body, step left foot to left side and turning your body slightly to the right, step right foot to right side
43-45Cross left foot diagonally in front of right foot slightly turning your body, step right foot to right side and turning your body slightly to the left, step left foot to left side
46-48Cross right foot diagonally in front of left foot slightly turning your body, step left foot to left side and turning your body slightly to the right, step right foot to right side