Old Cowboy Cha Cha

Beginner social cha
Marilene Sisco (USA)
I Just Want to Dance With You - George Strait

1-2Rock forward on left foot, rock back on right foot
3&4Step left, right, left in place
5-6Rock back on right foot, rock forward on left foot
7&8Step right, left, right in place
1-2Vine left foot to left side, cross right behind left
3&4Step left foot to left side, step right beside left, step left in place
5-6Vine right foot to right side, cross left behind right
7&8Step right foot to right side, step left beside right, step right in place
1-2Step forward on left foot, pivot ½ turn to right, stepping on right foot
3&4Step left, right, left in place
5-6Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to left stepping on left foot
7&8Step right, left, right in place
1-2Rock left foot across in front of right, rock back on right foot
3&4Replace left foot beside right, step right, then left
5-6Rock right foot across in front of left, rock back on left
7&8Replace right foot beside left, step right, left