On My Mind

Jan Wyllie (AUS)
I've Got My Baby on My Mind - David Ball

1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right,
3&4Shuffle to the right (right-left-right)
5-6Rock forward on left, rock back on right
7&8Making ½ turn left triple step left-right-left
9-10Step forward on right & pivot ¼ turn left taking weight on left
11-12Step forward on right & pivot ¼ turn left taking weight on left
13-14Step right across in front of left & touch left toe to the left side
15-16Step left across in front of right & touch right toe to the right side
17-18Step forward on right, touch left toe beside right
Styling note -- when you step forward on right swing both hands up in front (about head height). When you touch left toe beside right click fingers of both hands
19-20Step back on left, touch right toe beside left
Styling note -- when you step back on left swing both hands down behind your back. When you touch right toe beside left click fingers of both hands
21-24Repeat steps 17 to 20
25-26Step forward on right & pivot ¼ turn left taking weight on left
27&28Step right across in front of left & cross shuffle right-left-right
29-30Rock/step left to left side, rock/step right to right side
31&32Step left across in front of right & cross shuffle left-right-left