On The Inside
Pocket of a Clown - Dwight Yoakam
1&2Right leg kick ball change3Stomp right forward with foot turned inward - weight on left4Keeping right heel in place turn right foot out to center taking weight on it5&6Left leg kick ball change7Stomp left forward with foot turned inward - weight on right8Keeping left heel in place turn left foot out to center taking weight on it 9Stomp right forward with foot turned inward - weight on left10Turn right toes outwards - weight on left11-16Keeping weight on left swivel right heel out, in, out, in, out, in 17-18-19-20Rock weight to right, rock/ step left to left, cross shuffle to the left (right, left, right) During the next 10 counts the right leg remains in place but right heel may raise up & down21-22Rock/step left to left, rock/return weight to right23Rock/ step left across in front of right turning body to the right diagonal24Rock/return weight to right leg 25-26Rock/step left to left, rock/return weight to right - body is now facing straight ahead27Rock/step left behind right turning body to the left diagonal28Rock/return weight to right29-30Step left to left straightening body, pivot ¼ turn right transferring weight to right31-32Making a full turn right step forward left, right33&34Shuffle forward left, right, left35-36Rock forward on right, rock back on left27-38-39-40Toe strut backwards on right, making a ½ turn left heel strut forward on left 41-42Step forward on right, pivot ¼ left transferring weight to left43&44Cross shuffle slightly to the left diagonal right, left, right45-46Rock/step left to left, rock weight to right47&48Stamp left beside right, step back slightly on right, step forward on leftREPEAT