
Johnny Two-Step (UK)
Doctor, Doctor - The Dean Brothers

1&2Kick right foot forward, replace weight to right & kick left foot forward
&3&4Replace weight to left, & kick right foot forward twice
&5&6Replace weight to right, & kick left foot forward, replace weight to left
&7&8Kick right foot forward, replace weight to right & kick left foot forward twice
&1&2Replace weight to left, kick right foot forward, replace weight to right, kick left foot forward
&3&4Replace weight to right, kick left foot forward, replace weight to left, kick right foot forward
&5-6Replace weight to left foot, step right foot forward, ½ pivot turn over right shoulder on ball of foot
7-8Step back on left foot, touch right foot next to left
1-4Step right foot forward, ½ pivot turn over right shoulder on ball of foot, step back on left foot, touch right foot next to left
5-6Step to the right on right foot, cross left behind right
7&8Cha-cha in place right, left, right
1-2Step to the left on left foot, cross right behind left
3&4Cha-cha on the spot left, right, left
5-6Step to the right doing ¼ turn on the right foot, pivot ¾ turn over right shoulder on ball of right foot
7&8Shuffle back left, right, left
1&2Shuffling back right, left, right
3&4Shuffle back left, right, left
5-8Rock back on right foot, rock forward onto left foot, step forward on right foot ¼ turn left, weight on to left foot