Sha Na Na
Mark Cosenza (USA) & Glen Pospieszny (USA)
Rock 'N' Roll Is Here to Stay - Sha Na Na
KICK FORWARD AND BACK, TOE HEEL STRUTS1-4Kick right forward, hitch, kick right back, hitch5-6Moving diagonal forward right, step right down doing a toe/heel strut (lean right shoulder towards right foot)7-8Moving diagonal forward left, step left down doing a toe/heel strut (lean left shoulder towards left foot)SIDE ROCK, RECOVER, CROSS BEHIND & PIVOT, STEP FORWARD, TOE HEEL STRUTS1-2Rock side right, recover left3-4Cross right behind left and pivot ¼ right, step forward left5-6Moving diagonal forward right, step right down doing a toe/heel strut (lean right shoulder towards right foot)7-8Moving diagonal forward left, step left down doing a toe/heel strut (lean left shoulder towards left foot)SHUFFLE DIAGONAL RIGHT, SHUFFLE DIAGONAL LEFT1-4Moving diagonal forward right, shuffle right, left, right, and hold for count 45-8Moving diagonal forward left, shuffle left, right, left and hold for count 8½ TURN JAZZ BOX, TOE HEEL STRUTS1-2Step right in front of left, step back on left and pivot ½ turn right3-4Step down right, step forward left5-6Moving diagonal forward right, step right down doing a toe/heel strut (lean right shoulder towards right foot)7-8Moving diagonal forward left, step left down doing a toe/heel strut (lean left shoulder towards left foot)(33-40) STEP FORWARD & HOLD, STEP FORWARD & HOLD, STEP FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD & STEP1-2Right ball/step diagonal right forward (bend both knees to side right, hips are right), hold3-4Left ball/step diagonal left forward (bend both knees to side left, hips are left), hold5Right ball/step diagonal right forward (bend both knees to side right, hips are right)6Left ball/step diagonal left forward (bend both knees to side left, hips are left)7Right ball/step diagonal right forward (bend both knees to side right, hips are right)8Step left next to right Counts 1-7 are known as boogie walks. For an easier option, you can substitute crossover walks forward for counts 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 beginning with the right foot.(41-48) BEND KNEES TO THE LEFT, BEND KNEES TO THE RIGHT, HOP FORWARD, CLAP, HOP BACK1-2With your feet slightly apart, bend both knees to the left, center knees Optional: at the same time, slightly hop diagonal left and back3-4With your feet slightly apart, bend both knees to the right, center knees Optional: at the same time, slightly hop diagonal right and back5-6Take a small hop forward with both feet, clap7-8Take a small hop backward with both feetREPEATTAG For the first two walls of the dance only, repeat the last sixteen countsENDING On the last note of the song (which follows count 32) when they shout "rock", jump ¼ to the left back to the starting wall, slightly spread legs out with your knees slightly bent and put your hands in the air