A Shade Deeper
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
Deeper Shade of Blue - Steps
ROCK TWICE, ½ TURN SHUFFLE, ROCK, PRISSY STEPS Counts 1-10 are danced on the diagonal that runs between 10:00 and 4:001-2Rock right across left, rock weight onto left in place3-4Rock right back, rock weight onto left in place5&6Making ½ turn left shuffle on right, left, right7-8Rock left back, rock weight onto right in place9-10Step left across right angling body diagonally right, step right across left angling body diagonally leftSTEP, BOUNCES, SAILOR TWICE&11-12Step left forward (straightening up from the diagonal), bounce heels twice while making ¼ turn right13&14Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right15&16Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left½ TURN, KICK, ½ TURN, FLICK, SHUFFLE, KICK-BALL-BACK17-18Step forward on right and make ½ turn left, kick left forward and click fingers at shoulder height19-20Step back on left and make ½ turn left, flick right back and click fingers at shoulder height21&22Shuffle forward on right, left, right23&24Kick left forward, step ball of left beside right in-step, step back on rightDIAGONAL STEPS BACK, HIP-BUMPS, SIDE SHUFFLE25&26Step diagonally back on left (8:00), step right together, step left in place27&28Step diagonally back on right (4:00), step left together, step right in place29-30Step left to left and bump hips left, bump hips right31&32Shuffle left on left, right, leftREPEAT