Slipped Into Love

Joyce Warren (USA)
I Slipped and Fell In Love - Alan Jackson

1-2Point right toe to right side, step forward of left foot on right foot
3-4Point left toe to left side, step forward of right foot on left foot
5-6Point right toe to right side, step forward of left foot on right foot
7-8Point left toe to left side, step forward of right foot on left foot
9Walk back on right foot
10Walk back on left foot
11Walk back on right foot
12Step next to right foot on left foot
13Point right toe to right side
14Bring right foot behind left foot to ½ turn right (weight ends on right foot)
15Point left toe to left side
16Step left foot next to right foot to complete a Monterey turn
17&18Step behind left foot on right foot to sailor shuffle (right-left-right)
19&20Step behind right foot on left foot to ¼ turn right on sailor shuffle (left-right-left)
21-22Step right on right foot, step behind right on left foot
23-24Step right on right foot, touch left next to right to complete a right vine
25Long step out to the left side on left foot
26-27-28Slowly drag right foot in to touch left foot next to right (right knee is bent)
29Bend left knee forward while straightening right knee
30Bend right knee forward while straightening left knee
31Bend left knee forward while straightening right knee
32Bend right knee forward while straightening left knee