Sway - Michael Bublé
STEP, ROCK, RECOVER, STEP LOCK STEP, ½ PIVOT AND SWAY, STEP RIGHT1-3Step side right, rock left behind right and recover4&5Step forward left, step right behind left, step left forward6-7Pivot ½ turn right on left shifting weight forward on right and sway arms forward (angle body to the left), shift back on left and sway arms back (still slightly angled to the left)8Step right sideSYNCOPATED FORWARD STEP, POINT FORWARD & SIDE, CROSS STEPS, TOUCH, PIVOT & CROSS STEP, STEP BACK&1Step left down next to right, step right forward2-3Point left forward, point left side4&5Cross step left in front of right, step side right, cross step left in front of right6-7Touch side right, pivot ¼ right and cross step right over left8Step back on leftSIDE ROCK & STEP BACK, ROCK BACK & RECOVER, SIDE STEPS, CROSS TOUCH FORWARD & SIDE, SWING AROUND & BALL STEP&1Side rock right, recover left2-3Rock back right, recover left4&5Step side right, step left next to right, step side right (Cuban motion recommended)6-7Cross touch forward left, cross side touch left8Swing left behind right (stepping down on ball of foot)STEP DOWN, SKATE 3 TIMES, DIAGONAL STEPS AND SWAY&1Step down on right, skate forward left2-3Skate right, skate left4&5Moving right diagonal forward, step right, left, right6-8Sway hips left, right, leftREPEATTAG After count 29 on the 8th time through the dance (facing front for second time), the music pauses. Bend towards right foot slightly and snap fingers forward for 3 counts. Stand up and then complete the final 3 counts by swaying left, right, leftOPTIONAL ENDING After count 29 on the final wall, turn ¼ left to the front wall and bump your hips to the final notes.