Time To Run
Billie Jean - Michael Jackson
RUN RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT PRESS LEFT KICK BACK LOCK BACK TRIPLE ½ TURN RIGHT1&2Run forward small steps right, left, right3-4Press forward on the ball of left foot, push up kick left foot forward5&6Step back left, lock right over left step left back7&8Triple shuffle ½ turn right stepping right, left, rightVAUDEVILLE RIGHT VAUDEVILLE LEFT CROSS SIDE SAILOR ¼ LEFT1&2&Cross left over right, step back on right, tap left heel to left diagonal, step left in place3&4&Cross right over left, step back on left, tap right heel to right diagonal, step right in place5-6Cross left over right, step right to right side7&8Step left back, turn ¼ left stepping right to right side, step left in placeSTEP TOUCH & HEEL & TOUCH TURN ¼ KICK BACK LOCK BACK1-2Step forward right, touch left beside right&3&4Step back on left, tap right heel forward, step right next to left, touch left beside right5-6Turn ¼ left on balls of feet, kick left foot forward7&8Step back left, lock right over left, step back leftJUMP BACK RIGHT, LEFT CLAP KNEE POPS HIP ROLLS TWICE TO THE LEFT&1-2Jump back right left, hold and clap3-4Pop right knee forward, pop left knee forward5-6Roll hips full circle in to the left direction7-8Roll hips full circle in to the left directionCROSS & KICK TWICE TRAVELING FORWARD, CROSS UNWIND ½ LEFT HEELS RIGHT, LEFT1&2&Traveling forward cross right over left, step left in place, kick right to right diagonal, step right in place3&4&Traveling forward cross left over right, step right in place, kick left to left diagonal, step left in place5-6&Cross right over left, unwind ½ turn left7-8Swivel heels to the right, swivel heels to the left Option: dancers can replace swivels with applejacks for the count 7&8& of this section and 1&2 of next sectionHEEL SWIVELS ROCK & CROSS SIDE ROCK SAILOR ¼ TURN LEFT1-2Swivel heels to the right, swivel heels to the left3&4Rock right to right side, step left in place, cross right over left5-6Rock left to left side, step right in place7&8Step left back, turn ¼ left stepping right to right side, step left in placeREPEAT