Triple Blue
Blue California - The Bellamy Brothers
ROCK RETURN, SHUFFLE BACK, STEP BACK TOUCH TOE, TOUCH HEEL TOUCH TOE1-2Rock/step forward on left, rock back on right3&4Shuffle back left, right, left5-6Step back on right, touch left toe across right7-8Touch left heel forward, touch left toe across rightSTEP TOUCH TOE, STEP TOUCH TOE, STEP ACROSS ¼ TURN, SIDE STEP TAP9-10Step forward on left, touch right toe to right side11-12Step forward on right, touch left toe to left side13-14Step left over right, step back on right15-16Making ¼ left step left to left side, tap right beside leftSIDE STEP TOUCH, SIDE TOUCH SLAP BEHIND, SIDE STEP TAP/CLAP, SIDE STEP TAP/CLAP17-18Step right to right, touch left toe beside right19-20Touch left toe to left side, slap left foot behind right knee21-22Step left to left side, tap right behind left and clap23-24Step right to right side, tap left behind right and clapSTEP LEFT STEP TOGETHER, SHUFFLE FORWARD, STEP PIVOT ¼ LEFT, SHUFFLE FORWARD25-26Step left to left, step right beside left27&28Shuffle forward left, right, left29-30Step forward on right, pivot ¼ left transferring weight to left31&32Shuffle forward right, left, rightREPEAT