Uncle John
Uncle John from Jamaica - Vengaboys
RIGHT CHASSE, STEP AND SCUFF1&2Step right to right side, slide left next to right, step right to right side3-4Step forward onto left, putting weight onto left, scuff right forwardRIGHT SHUFFLE, JAZZ BOX ON THE SPOT5&6Step forward on right, slide left next to right, step forward on right7-10Cross left over right, step back on right, in place with left, in place with rightCROSS, UNWIND, FULL TURN TRAVELING RIGHT11-12Cross left behind right, unwind ½ turn left13-16Step right to right side, making ¼ turn right, step left in front of right, making ½ right, step right to right side, making ¼ turn right, touch left next to rightHEEL JACKS, ¼ TURN, COASTER STEP&17&Step back on left, touch right heel18&19Right in place, left in place, step back&20On right, touch left heel forward, left in place, right in place21-22Step forward on right forward on left, making ¼ turn right23&24Step back on right, place left next to right, step forward on rightSCUFF AND ROCK, LEFT SHUFFLE BACK, ROCKS AND A SAILOR STEP25&26Scuff left forward, rock forward on left, rock back onto right27&28Step back on left, slide right next to left, step back on left29&30Step back on right, putting weight onto right, put weight back onto left, put31&32Right in place, step left behind right step right to right side, step left in placeREPEAT