What A Feeling!
Mark Cosenza (USA) & Glen Pospieszny (USA)
What a Feeling - DJ Bobo & Irene Cara
KICK FORWARD, KICK SIDE, ½ TURN SAILOR, PRESS, RELEASE, SIDE TOGETHER SIDE1-2Kick forward right, kick side right3&4Swing around ½ turn right and step down right, step forward left, step together right5-6Press forward left, recover onto right and keep left foot slightly raised7&8Step side left, step together right, step side leftFLAMINGO ¾ TURN, ROCK FORWARD AND SIDE, ½ TURN SWEEP & CROSS, POINT TOUCH SIDE1Position right knee up and position right ankle against the side of left calf (flamingo position) - right knee should be bent forward2Swing around on ball of left foot ¾ to the left3&4Rock forward right, recover left, rock side right5-6Sweep left foot around ½ turn to the right (keep weight right)7-8Cross left over right, point touch right side rightSTEP AND ROLL TWICE, KICK BALL CROSS AND STEP TWICE1-2Step down on right, snake roll right3-4Step down on left, snake roll left5&6"Catwalk" kick ball cross: kick right diagonal forward left, step down right, cross forward left7&8"Catwalk" kick ball cross: kick right diagonal forward left, step down right, cross forward leftSTEP FORWARD AND TOUCH, STEP BACK AND TOUCH, HOP FORWARD & BACK & BACK & FORWARD1-2Step forward right, touch left next to right3-4Step forward left, touch right next to left&5Hop forward diagonal right stepping on right, touch left next to right&6Hop back diagonal left stepping on left, touch right next to left&7Hop back diagonal right, touch left next to right,&8Hop forward diagonal left, touch right next left Easier low impact alternative for counts 5-8: eliminate the touches (the "&" counts) and simply do small hopsREPEATTAG Following wall 10 there will be a 4 count music break. Simply stand in place and do a hip roll around to the right (¼ to the right for each count). (emulate the same motion as when you work a hula hoop.)