Who Needs It!

Warren Mitchell (AUS)
Who Needs You Baby - Clay Walker

1-2-3&4Rock to left, step right on spot, cha-cha on spot (right-left-right)
5-6-7&8Full turn to right moving right stepping right-left, shuffle to right (right-left-right)
1-2-3&4Rock left over right, step right on spot, shuffle to left (left-right-left)
5-6Cross right over left, hold
&7Step left together, cross right over left
&8Step left together, cross right over left
1-2-3&4Rock left to left, step right on spot, shuffle across right (left-right-left)
5-6-7&8¾ turn to left stepping right-left on spot, shuffle forward (right-left-right)
1-4Rock forward on left, step right on spot, step back onto left, hold
&5Step right together with left, step left back
&6Step right together with left, step left back
7-8Tap right toe behind, unwind ½ turn right


After end of second wall only (after ½ unwind)

1-2-3&4Rock left to left, cha-cha on spot left-right-left

5-6-7&8Rock right to right, cha-cha on spot right-left-right
At the end of the 6th wall the music sounds like you should slow or stop. Don't! Continue the dance as normal. You will feel out of beat though! At the end of this wall (7th), when you finish the sequence with the unwind, instead of doing a 2 beat unwind, here you will need to make it a 4 beat unwind. Continue the dance as normal from here on, as you will be in the beat of the music again