Jump Up!

Lauren Peacock (AUS)
Jump Up - Da Beat Bros.

Starts after the words" Mr. C". Count 5,6,7,8, then start.
1-2Jump both feet to the right, then left
&Quickly hook right foot in front & down low on shin of left leg
3&4Right shuffle forward
5&6Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right, step forward left
7&8Shuffle forward on right
1&2&3Three running men
&4Twist both heels to the left
5&6Two paddle turns turning ¼ turn left each one
&7&8One paddle turn turning a further turn to the left, tap right foot out to side
1&2Kick right out in front, replace & touch left to left side
3&4Kick left out in front, replace & touch, step foot out to side
5-6Stomp right forward, clap x 1
&7&8Step left up beside right, step right forward, 2 claps
1&2Left coaster forward
3&4Right coaster back
5-6Step left forward and ½ turn to the right, weight onto right
7&Step left forward, ½ turn hitching the right & clap
8&Step right ½ turn, hitching the left & clap (completing 1 full turn)
1-2&3&4Sync vine to the left place left heel out at 45 degrees
5-6&7&8Sync vine to the left place right heel out to 45 degrees
1-2Step left forward, turn ½ turn to right
3&4Turning triple step...completing 1 full turn to right, moving slightly forward
5-6Two walks right-left
&7&8Two backstreet boy steps (jump both feet apart, body facing 45 degrees left, jump feet together, jump both feet apart, body facing 45 degrees right, jump feet together)