If I Was
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
If I Was Jesus - Toby Keith
SAILOR, BACK ROCK, ¼ TURN-BACK ROCK, CROSS SHUFFLE1&2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right3-4Rock left behind right, recover forward onto right5-6On ball of right make ¼ turn right and rock left diagonally back left, recover forward onto right7&8Step left across right, step right beside left, step left across rightRIGHT, FLICK, LEFT, BACK ROCK, RIGHT, FLICK, ¼ TURN LEFT9-10Step right to right, flick left behind right11-12Step left to left, rock right behind left13-14Recover forward onto left, step right to right15-16Flick left behind right, make ¼ turn left and step left forwardTOE SWITCHES, CROSS, HITCH, CROSS, TAP, BACK, ROCK17&18&Touch right toe forward, step right beside left, touch left toe diagonally forward left, step left beside right19-20Step right forward and across left, hitch left and angle body towards right diagonal21-22Step left forward (towards right diagonal), tap right behind left23-24Step right back, rock back onto leftRECOVER, STEP, ¼ PIVOT, CROSS, ½ TURN, CROSS, LEFT25-26Recover forward onto right, step left forward27-28Pivot ¼ turn right, step left across right29-30Make ¼ turn left stepping right back, make ¼ turn left stepping left to left31-32Step right across left, step left to leftREPEAT