House Of The Rising Sun

Simon Ward (AUS)
House Of The Rising Sun - Tracy Chapman

1&2Shuffle to left side left, right, left
3-4Rock/step right back, rock/return forward on left
5-6Point right toe to right side, step right beside left turning ¼ turn right (Monterey turn)
7-8Point left to left side, cross/step left over right
1-2Touch right toe forward with toe turned in, touch right heel with toe turned out (swivel on left)
3Cross/step right over left
4-5Touch left toe forward with toe turned in, touch left heel with toe turned out (swivel on right)
6Cross/step left over right
7-8Step right slightly to right side turning ¼ turn left, step left back turning a further ½ turn left
1-2Step right forward, hold (snap fingers)
3-4Pivot ½ turn left stepping on left, hold (snap fingers)
5-6Step right forward, hold (snap fingers)
7-8Pivot ½ turn left stepping on left, hold (snap fingers)
1-2Cross/step right over left, step left back
3-4Turn ¼ right stepping onto right side, touch left beside right
5&6Shuffle forward left, right, left turning ½ turn left
7&8Shuffle back right, left, right