Honkytonk Crazy
Honky Tonk Boots - Sammy Kershaw
STEP SIDE RIGHT MAKING ¼ TURN LEFT, WITH MODIFIED HOOK, BALL POINT SIDE, CROSS BEHIND, POINT, SHUFFLE, TOUCH1-2Step side right as you start making a ¼ turn to the left, finish the ¼ turn with a modified left hook (left toe resting on the floor beside the right foot)&3Step on the left, point the right toe to right side4-5Cross right behind left, point left toe to left side6&7Shuffle forward left, right left8Touch the right toe beside the left footCOASTER BACK, WALK FORWARD LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT SIDE MAMBO CROSS, RIGHT SIDE MAMBO CROSS9&10Step back on the right, together with the left, step forward on the right11-12Walk forward left, walk forward right (option: full turn to the right)13&14Side rock left, recover right, cross left over right15&16Side rock right, recover left, cross right over leftROCK RECOVER, ½ SHUFFLE LEFT, RIGHT TRAIN STEP17-18Rock forward left, recover on the right19&20Shuffle left, right, left as you make ½ turn left21-24Rock forward right, recover left, rock back right, recover left (option: two pivot turns left)HALF A JAZZ BOX, BALL CROSS TWICE STEP SIDE RIGHT, LEFT SAILOR AND TOUCH25-26Cross the right over the left, step back on the left&27&28Step on the ball of the right, cross the left over the right, step on the ball of the right, cross the left over the right29Step side right30&31Step left behind right, step right to right, step left in place32Touch right toe behind left heelREPEAT