Harmony (L/P)
Improver line/partner dance
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
The Lady In Red - Chris de Burgh
Position: Start facing partner in open double hand hold, man facing OLOD, lady on opposite steps When dancing 'harmony' as a line dance, use the man's steps with an option of full turn on all chassesSIDE, TOUCH, SIDE, TOUCH, TURN SHUFFLE, STEP, PIVOT TURN1-2Step right to right, touch left beside right3-4Step left to left, touch right beside left5&6Step right to right, step left beside right, (release right hand, lady's left) step right turn right7&8Step left forward, (release hands) pivot turn right, make turn right and step left to left Rejoin hands in open double hand holdSAILORS, SWAYS, HOLD, STEP, SIDE9&10Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right11&12Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left and sway hips left13-14Sway hips right, sway hips left15&16Hold, step right beside left, step left to leftCROSS ROCK, CHASSE, CROSS ROCK, CHASSE17-18Rock right across left, recover onto left (release left hand lady's right, on count 17)19&20MAN: Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right LADY: Traveling full turn left stepping left, right, left Raise right arm, lady's left, over lady's head during counts 19&20 Release right hand, lady's left, on count 21 and then join left hand, lady's right21-22Rock left across right, recover onto right23&24MAN: Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left LADY: Traveling full turn right stepping right, left, right Raise left arm, lady's right, over lady's head during counts 23&24 then rejoin hands in open double hand hold When dancing to 'lady in red', during third wall restart dance after count 24CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND, SIDE, CROSS, TAP, STEP, CHASSE25-26Step right across left, step left to left27-28Step right behind left (angle body toward right diagonal), step left to left (release left hand, lady's right)29&30Step right across left, tap left toe behind right heel, step left back31&32MAN: Step right to right, step left beside right, step right to right LADY: Traveling full turn left stepping left, right, left Raise right arm, lady's left, over lady's head during counts 31&32CROSS, SIDE, BEHIND. SIDE, CROSS, TAP, STEP, CHASSE33-34Step left across right, step right to right35-36Step left behind right (angle body toward left diagonal), step right to right Release right hand, lady's left37&38Step left across right, tap right toe behind left heel, step right back39&40MAN: Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to left LADY: Traveling full turn right stepping right, left, right Raise left arm, lady's right, over lady's head during counts 39&40 then release handsDIAMOND SHAPE FULL ROTATION41&42MAN: Step right diagonally forward left, make turn left and step left beside right, step right beside left LADY: Step left diagonally forward left, make turn left and step right beside left, step left beside right43&44MAN: Step left diagonally back right, make turn left and step right beside left, step left beside right LADY: Step right diagonally back right, make turn left and step left beside right, step right beside left45-48Repeat counts 41-44 Rejoin both hands in open double hand holdREPEAT