Devil's Hand

Liam Hrycan (UK)
From Hell to Paradise - The Mavericks

1-4Right Monterrey turn
5-6Step right foot forward, hitch left knee and scoot forward on right foot
7-8Stomp left foot down beside right foot, stomp right foot beside left foot
9-12Left Monterey turn
13-14Step left foot forward, hitch right knee and scoot forward on left foot
15-16Stomp right foot down beside left foot, stomp left foot beside right foot
17-18Rock right foot forward, recover onto left foot
19-20Rock right foot back, recover onto left foot
21-22Touch right toe forward, pivot 1/8 turn to left
23-24Touch right toe forward, pivot 1/8 turn to left
25-26Touch right toe forward, pivot 1/8 turn to left
27-28Touch right toe forward, pivot 1/8 turn to left
29-32Right grapevine with left stomp
For faster music than "From heel To Paradise" it may be easier to change steps 33-36 and 41-44 to left and right grapevines with right and left touches respectively.
33&34Left chasse
35-36Cross rock right foot over left foot, recover onto left foot
37-38Step right foot to right side making ¼ turn right, hitch left knee and pivot a further ¼ turn right on right foot
39-40Step left foot to left side, hitch right knee
41&42Right chasse
43-44Cross rock left foot over right foot, recover onto right foot
45-46Step left foot to left side making ¼ turn left, hitch right knee and pivot a further ¼ turn left on left foot
47-48Step right foot to right side, hitch left knee
49-52Left grapevine with right stomp, transferring weight to both toes
53-54Swivel heels out to right, hold and clap
55-56Swivel heels out to left, hold and clap
57-58Swivel heels out to right, swivel heels out to left
59-60Swivel heels to center, hold and clap
61-62Touch right toe out to right side, step right foot back beside left making a ¼ turn to the right
63-64Touch left foot out to left side, step left foot back beside right foot