Do It

Allan Hocking (UK)
Do What Ya Wanna Do - Back Door

1Step right foot to right side
2Rock left foot behind right
3Rock forward onto right foot
4Step left foot diagonally forward
5-6Sweep right foot round, ½ turn to left pivoting on ball of left foot
7-8Step forward onto right foot, pivoting ½ turn to right on ball of right foot
9-10Step left foot forward, turning ½ turn to right, step forward onto right foot, turning ½ turn to right
You have done a complete full turn, moving forward
11&12Step forward on left foot, lock right foot behind left, step forward onto left
13-14Rock forward onto right foot rock back onto left
15&16Step right to right side ¼ turn step left beside right, step forward on right foot
17-18Step forward on left foot pivot ½ turn to right
19&20Step left forward, lock right behind step left foot forward
21-24Point right toe to right side, touch beside left, touch to right side leaving right toe where it is turn ¼ turn to right (weight onto right foot)
25-28Step forward on left beside right, step right foot forward step left beside right, pause
Optional: two forward body rolls can be done without the pause
29-30Step forward onto left, pivot ½ turn to right
31&32Step forward on left, lock right behind step forward on left