Comin' Strait Over
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
Don't Make Me Come Over There and Love You - George Strait
HEEL STRUTS, SYNCOPATED VINE, BOUNCES WITH ¼ TURN1-2Step right heel forward, drop right toe to floor3-4Step left heel forward, drop left toe to floor5-6&Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right7-8Step left across right and at the same time bounce both heels making 1/8 turn to right, bounce both heels making 1/8 turn to right (weight on left)DIAGONAL LOCK STEP, DIAGONAL SHUFFLE, STEP, SYNCOPATED ROCK, LARGE STEP, DRAG9-10Step right diagonally forward right, lock left behind right11&12Step right diagonally forward right, step left beside right, step right diagonally forward right13-14&Step left to left, rock right behind left, recover weight on left15-16Step right large step right, drag left to meet right (weight ends on left)MONTEREY TURNS17-18Point right to right, on ball of left make ½ turn right and step right beside left19-20Point left to left, step left beside right21-24Repeat counts 17-20STOMP, HOLD, BOUNCES WITH ½ TURN, STEP, SCUFF, SCOOT, STOMP-UP, HOOK25-26Stomp right forward, hold27-28Bounce both heels twice while making ½ turn left (weight ends on right)29-30&Step left forward, scuff right forward, hitching right knee scoot forward on left31-32Stomp-up right forward, hook right across leftREPEAT