Bermuda Triangle (P)
Rick Bates (USA) & Deborah Bates (USA)
Bermuda Triangle - Eddy Raven
Position: Right Side-By-Side Position. Partners on same footworkDIAGONAL STEP-SLIDE, DIAGONAL SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, BACK SHUFFLE1-2Step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot, slide left foot next to right and step3&4Shuffle forward and diagonally to the right (right, left, right)5-6Step forward on left foot, rock back onto right foot7&8Shuffle back (left, right, left)STEP BACK, PIVOT, FORWARD SHUFFLE, DIAGONAL LUNGE, TOUCH, DIAGONAL SHUFFLE9-10Step back on right foot, pivot ½ turn to the right on ball of right foot and step down onto right foot Partners now in the Left Side-By-Side Position facing 6:0011&12Shuffle forward (left, right, left)13-14Take a long step forward and diagonally to the right on right foot, touch left foot next to right15&16Shuffle forward and diagonally to the left (left, right, left)MILITARY PIVOT TO THE LEFT, TURNING SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, TURNING SHUFFLE17-18Step forward on right foot, pivot ½ turn to the left on ball of right foot and shift weight to left foot Release right hands and raise left hands. Partners turn under upraised joined hands19&20Shuffle in place (right, left, right) making a ½ turn to the left on these steps21-22Step back on left foot, rock forward onto right foot23&24Shuffle to the left (left, right, left) making a ¼ turn to the left on these steps Rejoin right hands in the Indian Position facing 3:00CROSS, STEP BACK, TURNING SHUFFLE, ROCK STEP, TURNING SHUFFLE25-26Cross right foot over left and step, step back on left foot Release left hands and raise right hands. Man turns under upraised joined hands27&28Shuffle in place (right, left, right) making a ½ turn to the right on these steps Rejoin left hands in the Reverse Indian Position facing 9:0029-30Step forward on left foot, rock back onto right foot Release right hands and raise left hands. Lady turn under upraised joined hands31&32Shuffle in place (left, right, left) making a ¾ turn to the left on these steps Rejoin right hands returning to the right side-by-side position facing starting wallREPEAT