Aiming High
Maureen Jones (UK) & Michelle Jones (UK)
I'm Gonna Fly - Becky Baeling
ROCKS, ½ TURN SHUFFLE, ROCK, PRISSY STEPS Counts 1-10 are danced on the diagonal that runs between 10:00 and 4:001-2Rock right across left, recover weight back onto left3-4Rock right back, recover weight forward onto left5&6Making ½ turn left stepping right, left, right7-8Rock left back, recover weight forward onto right9-10Step left across right angling body slightly right, step right across left angling body slightly leftSTEP, BOUNCE ¼ TURN, SAILORS&11-12Step left forward (straightening up to 6:00 - i.e. You are now facing the back wall), bounce heels twice while making ¼ turn right13&14Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right15&16Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to leftSTEP, ½ TURN-KICK, BACK, ½ TURN-FLICK, SHUFFLE, KICK-BALL-BACK17-18Step forward on right, make ½ turn left and kick left forward (click fingers at shoulder height)19-20Step back on left, make ½ turn left and flick right back (click fingers at shoulder height)21&22Shuffle forward on right, left, right23&24Kick left forward, step ball of left beside right in-step, step back on rightSYNCOPATED DIAGONAL STEPS BACK, SWAYS, SIDE SHUFFLE25&26Step diagonally back on left, step right beside left, step left in place27&28Step diagonally back on right, step left beside right, step right in place29-30Step left to left swaying weight to left, sway weight to right31&32Step left to left, step right beside left, step left to leftREPEATTAG Danced once after 9th wall when using Becky Baeling track only DIAGONAL ROCKS Danced on the diagonal that runs between 10:00 and 4:001-2Rock right across left, recover weight back onto left3-4Rock right back, recover weight forward onto left