I Love You Because

Roy Verdonk (NL) & Wil Bos (NL) - December 2007
I Love You Because - Ann Tayler : (CD: On The Road Again)

Intro: 16 counts

Step, Hold, Close, Step. Touch, Side Shuffle ¼ Turn, Step, Pivot
1-2 Step right to right side, Hold
&3-4 Close left next to right, Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
5&6 Step left to left side, Close right next to left, ¼ turn left step left forward
7-8 Step right forward, ½ turn left (03.00)

Shuffle Forward, Step, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn
1&2 Step right forward, Close left next to right. Step right forward
3-4 Step left forward, ¼ turn right
5&6 Cross left over right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right
7-8 ¼ turn left step right back, ¼ turn left step left to left side (12.00)

Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Sailor Step, Sailor Step ¼ Turn Left
1-2 Cross right over left, Point left to left side
3-4 Cross left over right, Point right to right side
5&6 Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Step right in place
7&8 Cross left behind right, ¼ turn left step right to right side, Step left to left side (09.00)

Rock, Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn, Rock, Recover, Coaster Cross
1-2 Rock right forward, Recover
3&4 ¼ turn right step right to right side, Close left next to right, ¼ turn right step right forward
5-6 Rock left forward, Recover
7&8 Step left back, Close right next to left, Cross left over right (03.00)

Begin again.

TAG: After wall 4 ( you’re facing the 12.00 o’clock wall)
Kick Ball Change (2x), Side shuffle, Rock Recover
1&2 Kick right to right diagonal, Step on ball of right next to left, Step left in place
3&4 Kick right to right diagonal, Step on ball of right next to left, Step left in place
5&6 Step right to right side, Close left next to right, Step right to right side
7-8 Rock left behind right, Recover

Kick Ball Change (2x), Side shuffle, Rock Recover
1&2 Kick left to left diagonal, Step on ball of left next to right, Step right in place
3&4 Kick left to left diagonal, Step on ball of left next to right, Step right in place
5&6 Step left to left side, Close right next to left, Step left to left side
7-9 Rock right behind left, Recover

Start again and let the music touch your soul