Christmas Hitch

Contra Beginner
Pam Flintoff (UK) & Tony Flintoff (UK) - December 2007
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Dean Martin

Or: any other favourite Christmas music at around 130-140bpm

Walk Forward x 3, Hitch, walk Back x 3, Touch
1 – 4 Walk forward on right, left, right. hitch left as you clap both hands with dancer in front of you
5 - 8 Walk back on left, right, left, touch right beside left

Side, Cross, Side, Kick first Right, then Left
9 - 10 Step right to right side, cross step left over right
11 - 12 Step right to right side. Kick left to left diagonal
13 - 14 Step left to left side, cross step right over left
15 - 16 Step left to left side. Kick right to right diagonal

Step Right, Hitch Left & Clap, step back right, step back left. Repeat leading with left
17 - 18 Step right diagonally forward to right, hitch left knee as you clap your left hand with left hand of dancer to your right diagonal
19 - 20 Step back on left straightening up, step right beside left
21 - 22 Step left diagonally forward to left, hitch right knee as you clap your right hand with right hand of dancer to your left diagonal
23 - 24 Step back on right, step left beside right.

Step Fwd Right, Pivot ½-turn Left, Step & Clap. Step Fwd Left, Pivot ½-turn Right, Step, Touch & Clap.
25 - 26 Step forward on right. Pivot half-turn left
27 - 28 Step forward on right. Clap both hands with dancer in front of you
29 - 30 Step forward on left. Pivot half-turn right
31 - 32 Step forward on left. Touch right beside left as you clap hands (with yourself!)

Start the dance again, keep smiling and enjoy!