
Neville Fitzgerald (UK) & Julie Harris (UK) - April 2008
Elevator - Flo Rida

Starts 32 Counts from first beat of music. (32 Seconds)

(&) Cross, Heel Grind, Sailor 1/4, Back, Coaster Step.
&1 Step Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.
2-3 Step Right next to Left with toes of both feet pointing to Left diagonal, on heel of Right grind Right
so Right toes point to Right diagonal (toes up) at same time on toes of Left match the grind so Left toes will also be pointing Right diagonal.
4&5 Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward Left, step Right to Right side.
6-7&8 Step back on Left, step back on Right, step Left next to Right, step forward on Right.

Kick & Kick & Step, Heel Split, Coaster Step, Pivot 1/2, 1/4.
1&2& Kick forward Left, step Left next to Right, Kick forward Right, step Right next to Left.
3&4 Step forward on Left, split heels Out-In.
5&6 Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
7-8 Pivot 1/2 turn to Right, 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side.

Behind, Side, Cross, Rock & Cross, 1/4 , 1/4 , Hold.
1-3 Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
4&5 Rock to Left side on Left, recover on Right, cross step Left over Right.
6-8 Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right, 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, Hold.

Ball Step, Step, Swivet 1/4, Sailor Step, Sailor Step, Sailor 1/2.
&1-2 Step Right next to Left, step forward on Left, step Right next to Left. (feet slightly apart)
3 With weight on ball of Left & heel of Right twist 1/4 turn to Right.
4&5 Cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, step Right to Right side.
6&7 Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, step Left to Left side.
8&1 Cross step Right behind Left as you make 1/4 turn to Right, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left next to Right, step forward on Right.

Pivot 1/2 , Full Touching Turn, Side, Sailor Step, Touch.
2 Pivot 1/2 turn to Left. (weight Left)
3-5 With weight on Left make 1/3 turn to Left as you touch Right toe to Right side, 1/3 turn to Left as you touch Right to Right side, 1/3 turn to Left as you step Right to Right side (Left leg extended..toe up)
6&7 Cross step Left behind Right, step Right to Right side, step Left to Left side.
8 Touch Right toe across Left. (lean back slightly)

Touch, Hitch, Behind, Rock & Cross, 1/4, 1/2, Hold.
1-3 Touch Right toe to Right side, hitch Right knee, cross step Right behind Left.
4&5 Rock to Left side on Left, recover on Right, cross step Left over Right.
6-7 Make 1/4 turn toLeft stepping back on Right, 1/2 turn to Left stepping forward on Left.
8 Hold.

Kick, Step, Kick, Step, Kick, Step, Kick, Side Dip, Touch, Side, Touch, Side.
&1&2 Kick Right foot to Right diagonal,(small kick), Step Right to Right side. kick Left foot to Left diagonal (small kick), step Left to Left side. (Wiggle & shake whilst kicking & stepping)
&3&4 Kick Right foot to Right diagonal (small kick), step Right to Right side, kick Left foot to Left diagonal (small kick) step Left foot to Left side as you bend knees into a small dip. (Wiggle & shake whilst kicking & stepping)
5-6 Straighten up as you touch Left next to Right sticking your butt out to Right diagonal, step Left to Left side.
7-8 Bring Right in to touch next to Left as you stick your butt out to Left diagonal, step Right to Right side (Be bouncy)

Walk, Step, 1/2 pivot, 1/2 Turn, Back, Back, Coaster Cross.
1-2 Step forward on Left, step Forward Right.
3-4 Pivot 1/2 turn to Left, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping back on Right.
5-6 Walk back Left-Right.
7&8 Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, cross step Left over Right.

Restarts: Wall 1 & Wall 3 after 48 Counts
Dance up to & including Count 48 then Restart dance from beginning.. (Both times facing back wall)