We're In This Together!

Phrased Intermediate
Gordon Timms (UK) - February 2009
In Private - Dusty Springfield

CD ALBUMS: “Going Back”…”The very best of Dusty!”... “Reputations & Rarities”
Intro: 64 Counts after Heavy Beat. Start the dance on the vocals… 128 B.P.M.


SECTION 1: Flick x 2, Sailor Step in situ, Flick x 2, Sailor step with Quarter Turn left.
1 - 2 Flick right toe in front of left foot, Flick right toe out to right side. (WOL)
3 & 4 Step right foot behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side.
5 - 6 Flick left toe in front of right foot, Flick left toe out to left side. (WOR)
7 & 8 Turn quarter turn left, with a sailor step, stepping Left. Right Left (Turn on 2nd step).
Faces 9.00

SECTION 2: Rock & Recover, Three Quarter Turning Triple step, Rock & Recover, Left Coaster Cross
1 - 2 Rock forward on the right foot, recover on to left.
3 & 4 Turning right execute a ¾ turn with a triple step, right, left , right.
5 - 6 Rock forward on the left, recover on to right.
7 & 8 Step back on the left, step right next to left, cross step left over right.
Faces 6.00

SECTION 3: Side Rock & Recover, Crossing Right Shuffle, Hinge Turn Right, Left Lock Step
1 - 2 Rock right foot out to right side, recover on to left.
3 & 4 Crossing Right Shuffle, stepping right, left right.
5 - 6 Stepping back on left, turn ¼ right, turning ¼ turn right, step forward on right.
7 & 8 Step left foot forward, lock step right behind left, step left foot forward..
Faces 12.00

SECTION 4: Step pivot Half Turn Left, Kick Ball Change, Rocking Chair (Option 2 Half Turns Left)
1 - 2 Step forward on the right, pivot a half turn left.
3 & 4 Low kick right foot forward, step right next to left, step left foot forward.
5 - 6 Rock forward on the right, recover on to the left.
7 - 8 Rock back on the right, recover on to the left.
Faces 6.00

Bridge: Replace weight on to right….Rock, Recover, Quick step and step, Rock, Recover, Quick step and step, Two Walks or Full Turn…Jazz Jump and Step Forward..
& Step right next to left (quite quickly) and out your weight on it.
1 2 & Rock left out to left(1) and recover back on to right.(2) quick step left next to right. (&)
3 4 & Rock right out to right(3) and recover back on to left.(4) quick step right next to left. (&)
5 - 6 Two Walks Forward…Left and Right. (or a Full Turn Right if you are brave enough?)
& 7 Step left to left side (&) Step right to right side (7)
8 Step forward on the left.
Faces 6.00

Line Dancing with the Rhinestone Cowboy (UK) Home: +44 1793 490697 Mobile: +44 7787 383059
Website: http://website.lineone.net/~gordon.bds
E-Mail: rhinestonecowboylduk@tiscali.co.uk